Post: Exercise Card Deck Review: Exercise is not a Game

Get ready to level up your fitness game with the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck! This 52-card deck incorporates bodyweight exercises into your favorite games for a fun and engaging workout. Suitable for all fitness levels and perfect for on-the-go enthusiasts.
Fitness is Not a Game

Get ready to level up your fitness game with the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck. This 52-card deck is not your typical deck of cards, as each card features bodyweight exercises that can be incorporated into your favorite games, making exercise fun and engaging. No need for any additional equipment or a gym membership, as these cards provide a complete workout in a box. Designed for all fitness levels, each exercise is clearly illustrated with both graphics and text instructions, making it easy to follow along. Whether you’re looking to spice up your family game night or have a fun workout session with friends, these cards are the perfect addition. Quick, yet effective, you can customize your workout by choosing the number of cards to complete, or challenge yourself to complete the entire deck. Created by an army veteran and certified personal trainer, this versatile and portable deck is perfect for on-the-go fitness enthusiasts, allowing you to take your workout anywhere you go.

Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun
Click to view the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun.

Why Consider the ‘Exercise Is NOT A Game’ Exercise Card Deck

Are you looking to incorporate exercise into your daily routine but need help finding the motivation? You can look no further than the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards if you like. With its unique and innovative design, this 52-card deck offers a fun and engaging way to make exercise a part of your daily life. But why do you think you should consider this product?

Fun and Effective Workout

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or monotonous. This exercise card deck provides a refreshing twist to traditional workouts, transforming them into a fun and interactive experience. By incorporating exercise into your favorite games, you won’t even feel like you’re working out. It’s the perfect solution for those who find it challenging to stay motivated or stick to a fitness routine.

Suitable for All Fitness Levels

Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, these cards are designed to cater to all fitness levels. The exercises included are bodyweight exercises, meaning you don’t need any additional equipment or a gym membership. Each exercise is detailed with both graphics and text instructions, making it easy for anyone to follow along. So, whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or looking for new ways to challenge yourself, these cards have got you covered.

Choose Your Own Workout

One of the great features of this product is the flexibility it offers. You have full control over your workout. You can choose to complete as many cards as you like in a set time, decide how many cards you want to complete, or even challenge yourself to complete the entire deck. This adaptability allows you to tailor your workouts to your own schedule and preferences, making it easier to stick to your fitness goals.

Features and Benefits of the Excercise Card Deck

Engaging Game Night Option

Not only are these exercise playing cards a great fitness tool, but they can also be a fantastic addition to your game night. The incorporation of exercise into your favorite games adds a new level of excitement and competitiveness. So gather your friends and family and turn your game night into a fun, active, and memorable experience.

Take Your Workout Anywhere

With its standard playing card size, this exercise card deck is perfect for travel. Being able to throw it in your bag and take your workout with you is a huge advantage. Whether you’re on vacation, on a business trip, or simply heading to the park, you can easily incorporate exercise into your routine without the need for any additional equipment.

Expertly Created by an Army Veteran and Certified Personal Trainer

The Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards were developed by an Army veteran and certified personal trainer. This expertise ensures that the exercises included in the deck are effective, safe, and designed to provide you with a well-rounded workout. You can have confidence knowing that the creator of this product has extensive knowledge and experience in the fitness industry.

Complete Body Workout

The deck includes all bodyweight exercises, making it a complete workout in itself. You don’t need to purchase any extra equipment or go to the gym to get a full-body workout. The exercises target various muscle groups, incorporating both strength training and cardio, providing you with a comprehensive and balanced workout.

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Get your own Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun today.

Product Quality of fitness is not a Game Exercise Card Deck

These exercise playing cards are made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. The cards are designed to withstand regular use and can handle the rigors of intense workouts. The detailed graphics and text instructions are clear and easy to understand, making it simple for anyone to follow along, regardless of their fitness experience.

What It’s Used For

Fun and Interactive Workouts

These exercise playing cards are primarily used to make workouts more enjoyable and interactive. By incorporating exercise into your favorite games, you can make physical activity a fun and engaging part of your daily life. It’s a great way to break the monotony of traditional workouts and keep yourself motivated.

Versatile Fitness Tool

These cards can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them for a quick workout when you have limited time, as a warm-up or cool-down routine, or as a full workout session. The adaptability of this product allows you to customize your workouts to suit your needs and preferences.

Family Fun Time

In addition to being a fantastic fitness tool, these cards can also be used to create memorable and active experiences with your family. Incorporating physical activity into your family’s routine promotes a healthy lifestyle and provides an opportunity for quality time together.

Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun

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Exercise Card Deck: Product Specifications

Product NameFitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck
Exercise Card Deck52 cards and 2 jokers
Exercise TypeBodyweight
Fitness LevelsSuitable for all fitness levels
DesignDetailed graphics and text instructions
UsesStrength training, cardio, at-home workout
SizeStandard playing card size
WeightLightweight and portable

Who Needs The Fitness is Not a Game Exercise Card Deck

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a beginner, or someone struggling to stay motivated, these exercise playing cards are suitable for everyone. They offer a fun and effective way to incorporate exercise into your routine, regardless of your fitness level. Whether you prefer working out alone or having active family time, these cards can cater to your needs.

Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun

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Pros and Cons: Exercise Card Deck


  • Facilitates fun and interactive workouts
  • Suitable for all fitness levels
  • Customizable workout options
  • Ideal for travel
  • Developed by an experienced Army veteran and certified personal trainer
  • High-quality and durable materials


  • Some exercises may require modifications for individuals with specific limitations or injuries.
  • Limited to bodyweight exercises, may not provide the same variety as gym equipment.

FAQs for Exercise is Not a Game Exercise Card Deck

  1. Is this exercise card deck suitable for beginners?
    • Absolutely! These cards are designed for all fitness levels, including beginners. Each exercise is detailed with clear graphics and text instructions, making it easy to follow along.
  2. Can I use these cards for group workouts?
    • Yes, definitely! These cards are perfect for group workouts, whether it’s with your friends, family, or colleagues. Engage in friendly competition and make staying active a fun group activity.
  3. Can I incorporate these cards into my existing workout routine?
    • Absolutely! These cards provide a great way to add variety to your existing workout routine. You can use them as a warm-up, cool-down, or mix them in with your current exercises to switch things up.
  4. Is there an instruction booklet included with the cards?
    • Yes, there is a detailed instruction booklet included with the cards. It provides guidance on how to use the cards effectively and offers additional tips and recommendations.
Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun

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What Customers Are Saying about this Exercise Card Deck

“I absolutely love these exercise playing cards! They have transformed my workouts into something fun and enjoyable. I no longer dread exercising; instead, I look forward to it!” – Sarah

“These cards are not only great for solo workouts but also perfect for family game nights. We have incorporated exercise into our weekly routine, and it has brought us closer as a family!” – Michael

Overall Value of the Exercise Card Deck

The Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck offers tremendous value for anyone looking to make exercise a fun and engaging part of their daily routine. With its versatility, suitability for all fitness levels, and high-quality materials, this exercise card deck ensures a complete and enjoyable workout experience.

Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun

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Tips and Tricks For Best Results with the Exercise Card Deck

  1. Set goals: Challenge yourself by setting realistic and attainable goals. Aim to complete a certain number of cards each workout or strive to complete the entire deck over time.
  2. Mix it up: Don’t be afraid to modify or create variations of the exercises to keep your workouts fresh and exciting. This will help prevent boredom and continuously challenge your body.
  3. Stay consistent: Incorporating exercise as a regular habit will yield the best results. Make it a priority in your daily routine and stick to it. Consistency is key for long-term success.
  4. Have fun: Remember that the primary goal of this exercise card deck is to make exercise enjoyable. Embrace the fun and engaged mindset, and don’t be afraid to laugh and have a good time while working out.

Exercise is Not a Game: Final Thoughts on the Exercise Card Deck

Product Summary

The Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck provide a unique and exciting way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. With a complete deck of 52 cards and 2 jokers, this exercise card deck offers a fun workout experience suitable for all fitness levels. The detailed graphics and text instructions make it easy to follow along, and the flexible workout options allow you to customize your exercises to fit your preferences and schedule.

Final Recommendation

If you’re looking to make exercise fun, engaging, and accessible, then the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Card Deck is an excellent choice for you. Embrace a new way of working out, challenge yourself, and enjoy the journey to a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Grab this exercise card deck today and embark on a fun-filled fitness adventure!

Click to view the Fitness Is NOT A Game Exercise Playing Cards | 52-Card Deck | Bodyweight | All Fitness Levels | Strength Training and Cardio | at-Home Workout | Family Game Night | Fun.

P.S.: Discover More with Stack 52 Bodyweight Exercise Cards

If you’re intrigued by the concept of exercise card decks and are looking for more options to enhance your fitness routine, don’t miss out on the Stack 52 Bodyweight Exercise Cards. These cards take your workouts to another level, offering a diverse range of exercises suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you’re at home, traveling, or just need a quick and effective workout, these cards are a fantastic choice. For a detailed review and insights into how they can transform your fitness journey, check out the comprehensive exercise cards review on Family Games Oasis.

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Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


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